moving swiftly on…

January 2, 2012

if you believe ‘the hype’, then you’ll already be aware that we’ve only got 1 year left before the end of existence as we currently know it. are you making any long term plans? me, i’m stuck between reflecting on the past and just trudging through the grind day-by-daily day.

on that note, this was my december…

[acrylic on A3 canvas. painted 01 dec – 31 dec 2011]

it’s been a long month, in which i’ve just been trying to keep my head down and in the proverbial books. managed to get a pretty impressive 88% for one uni project, so it seems that hard work can pay off!

the highlight of the month had to be going to see the alice exhibition at the tate. seeing carroll’s original manuscript and tenniel’s preliminary sketches for publication were inspirational.

on NYE, i had a few party invites – but i felt it best to stay home. in the afternoon i had a conversation with my bud which made me realise just how important taking time out to think really is. and later while the world partied, i painted and had took some time to breathe. it was a wise choice!

books read this month: 2
burning chrome – william gibson
invisible monsters – chuck palahniuk


hello zombie kitty

December 18, 2011

my first ever zombie related post to this blog was to show you a zombified hello kitty, that i’d painted for a friends birthday [link]. and since then it’s been the 2nd most popular search that’s directed traffic here..

so, i figured if people want to see zombie hello kitties, then it’s only good manners that i should oblige…

hello 28 kitties later! [acrylic on A3 canvas. dec 2011]


hello romero’s kitty! [acrylic on A3 canvas. dec 2011]


hello groovy kitty! [acrylic on A3 canvas. dec 2011]

i simply set out to paint 3 horror themed kitties. but as i sketched them onto the canvas, they started to take on their on their own personalities. blue, being that aggressive infected zombietype. green is romero’s modern zombie, all foetid and icky. and obviously pinky is everyones favourite hero, ash, as he prepares to go into the cellar.

dead by dawn!” 

brainzzz or GTFO!!!


quintilis mensis

August 1, 2011

i have tracked my life for 5 months now. one hundred and fifty three days. my short-to-long term memory has truly faltered, and there are days [even weeks] which i have no recollection of.

yet, when i look over my old diary paintings and i am reminded of the tiniest detail from a weekend 3 months ago.. and slowly all the events surrounding it trickle back too. should i be so surprised by this? i mean, i do refer to them as ‘diary’ paintings – what else are they if not graphical memory triggers?

[markers /acrylic on A3 canvas. 01july – 1 august 2011]

july has been a subdued month for me. i have had to put life on hold, in order to prioritise my studies. that isnt to say the month has been uneventful –  it has certainly included it’s fair share of unexpected occurances: including flying mushrooms, parlour games, and maggots […far too many maggots!!]

i havent painted much into this month’s canvas – there are very few trivial details filling up the frame, although most if not all of the major events have been captured.  i find it interesting how the colour scheme is more uniform than ever before.. this was certainly an unconscious act, but to me it is very telling. i read the overall painting as being ’emotionally tired’, but i suppose inspecting the multitude of smileys could lead one to that very same conclusion..?

however, the one moment of vibrancy pictured [a day in the park] comes right at the very end of the month.. so lets hope the positive vibes keep flowing and ebb their way into august 🙂


i see dead cats

March 20, 2011

just twigged that i havent made any zombie related posts yet. so in an attempt to rectify this, here’s a snap of the most recent zombie pic i’ve done…

hello zombie kitty!

[markers /acrylic on A3 canvas. 9 march 2011. a birthday present for cinnobean <3]

clearly kitty is saying: brainzzz or GTFO!!