the evolution of a zombie finger

September 18, 2011

i am the proud owner of a new tattoo..

zombie finger attack!” [inked by adam griffiths ]

they say every tattoo has a story, and this one is no exception..

about a year ago, at a party, a friend from northern ireland asked me, “have you ever seen a finger taken hostage?” oddly enough,  i hadn’t. so he got a pen and spent the next few minutes drawing something on his fingers, he was giggling to himself the entire time.

he then crossed his fingers, and said “ta-dah!”

it was indeed a finger that had been taken hostage. i laughed. it was clever, and i hadnt seen it before.

then a couple of months ago, early june i saw something very similar in theme…  but this time it was a zombie attacking a person. an amazing new take on this idea!

chances are you’ve seen it – as it’s been tumblr’d and tweeted so hard it was almost impossible to track it’s origin down. however, my good ol’ zombie persistence prevailed and i discovered it’s roots in deviant art..

“om nom nom”  by alephunky

it was so brilliant, i couldnt help myself – i had to have a go!  and this is my own version [which i posted on this very blog!]

after seeing the above photo on facebook, a few friends plied me with information regarding this fingery theme. it seems that the original hostage finger wasn’t just pen and ink, but a tattoo!

and it was done by an artist here in liverpool!!

AND it was on another member of the undead population too!!!

seriously, what are the chances??

anyway. i’d promised myself a tattoo as a reward after having quite a difficult summer. and the way all of these things had come together, fate allowed no option other than bringing everything full circle…

so i took a trip into 13 ink tattoo studio, and sought out the source of this whole tale – adam griffiths, the tattoo artist behind the finger hostage photograph.  i had a chat with adam about the idea, and i was ridiculously happy that he agreed to do this tattoo for me.

yesterday, i went in for my appointment and had an experience that has brought previously unknown dimensions to the very definition of ‘pain’.

but i do believe it was worth it, dont you? here is is again, just as my lil’ zombie chomps down..

brainzzz or GTFO!!!

please check out more of adam’s outstanding ink and artwork on his flickr here

[+update 27 may 2012]

Adam G now has a facebook page – go say hi!


12 Responses to “the evolution of a zombie finger”

    Freakin’ AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Jaye Says:

    As a mother, I am horrified you would do this. As a writer, zombie-fan and creative type, I’m laughing like a loon. Brilliant!

  3. Kiki Gtra Says:

    bloody brilliant!!!!

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